Monday, 17 August 2015

DSLR Photography course for beginners

From the 1st October 2015, I will be running a photography course for beginners who want to get away from shooting in auto mode and learn about their camera and to be able to take better and more creative photographs.

The course will cover areas mentioned on the poster below and further subjects brought up by yourself and things you are unsure about and require help with, or just explaining in a language you will understand.

If you wish to be on the course, either drop me an email or give me a call.
It's £60 for the six week course, at just £5 an hour, it's great value.

Telephone       01538 308342

I've added a few images below of some of the areas that will be covered on the course. (You can click on any of the images to see a larger version)

 Getting the correct exposure for all situations, in this example taken in the snow more than often your camera will under expose and make the scene look grey rather than as you see the snow "white" whilst still leaving detail within the snow. The first images is with the camera metering for you, the second using the techniques you will learn, we will cover this and ensure you get the images as you see it, rather than letting the camera decide.
Understanding depth of field, do you want everything in focus or just want the main subject in focus and blur out the back and foreground so the image really stands out, in the next three images the first shows everything in focus right from the front to the back of the image, this was achieved using hyperlocal distance (which we will discus) and a very small aperture, the second and third images of the Robin and the boy running is using a shallow depth of field to make them really stand out, you will learn what is the best aperture to achieve these types of photos.

Also learn how to freeze motion as in the next image of this local football game.
Learn how to use a slow shutter speed to blur certain areas of a photo like the waterfall and water in this next image
learn how to pan with your camera to get effects like this next image.
Take close up images (Macro) without breaking the bank like this next image.
Learn to take better photos of People, Objects and Landscapes
Having fun with a stick of Rhubarb, but hiding the harsh sunlight.
 Getting interesting photos from things you may have around the house
Taking interesting landscape photographs

Learn about composition, what makes a photograph interesting, use leading lines, position things where they are the most pleasing to the eye, we will discuss these areas. example below shows how cropping an image using the rule of thirds makes the image more interesting, instead of having the rider smack bang in the middle, moving him to one of the thirds and driving into the images makes for a better image.

 Before and after

Just contact me for any further information or to book the course.

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